SerialNumber UNI Number FTN Q t y Description SPECIALCONDITIONS(Entry conditionsdiffer from check-defaults) Other: Flaps 30 degreesSKILLS Categories: 38 REFERENCE AMTOSS Task: 27-51-44-200-001Source Requirement: Periodicity: 1AĬompliance Plan: Warranty-in-Effect: YESOther References: N/AElectrical Power: YESHydraulic Power: YESPneumatic Power: N/AFuel Load: N/A On the maintenance panel 285VU ,push the pushbutton switch. Intelligent Graphics Exchange (IGEXCHANGE)Ī unique source of information ….Power Plant Build-up Manual Illustrated Parts List.Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual (ITEM).Fault Reporting and Fault Isolation Manual (FRM/FIM).

Engine Parts Configuration Management Section (EPCM).Engine Illustrated Parts Catalog (EIPC).