Why it is saying Message size too large ? Is there any better and fast way to decrypt large text files using pycrypto module ? To the point where it is outputting the block size of 32, it is decrypting right, but where it starts with 128, its messing up. Return (self, ciphertext)įile "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/pubkey.py", line 93, in decryptįile "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/RSA.py", line 237, in _decrypt so many 32 byte blocks it is decrypting, thenįile "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/RSA.py", line 174, in decrypt When I try to decrypt the encrypted file, I need to read it with 128 byte block so as to give back 32 byte blocks, > f = open('enc','rb') The problem is when I try encrypting large files (10kB of text file) I take the block size of 32 byte when reading the file and encrypting it > f = open('10kb','rb') > public_jwk.export_public().I have been using pycrypto module for encryption and decryption with RSA key pair and algorithm. > public_jwk.import_from_pyca(public_key) > private_jwk.export_private().encode('utf-8') > private_jwk.import_from_pyca(private_key) > public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(public, backend=default_backend()) > private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(private, password=None, backend=default_backend()) > public = open('public.key', 'rb').read() > private = open('private.key', 'rb').read()

# openssl rsa -pubout -in private.key -out public.key $ docker run -it -rm python:3.6-slim /bin/bash The minimal steps required here (using an intermediate docker container) are: One way to generate a RSA key pair and transform it into the JWK format is using the Python jwcrypto library. This needs a private/public RSA key pair in JWK format, the private part to be written into the hindsight config, the public part to be distributed to the client side team. We use a combination of RSA-OAEP and AES-GCM as the algorithms.

For Pioneer we use JOSE/JWE as an additional layer to secure the data in transport.